Frequently asked questions about AbbVie ID
AbbVie has many different customer facing websites, which all have their own Sign In credentials. With AbbVie ID we are looking to give our customers a single set of credentials which can be used on the different websites to make things a little easier.
Please reach out to your AbbVie Sales Representative, submit a request for support or call AbbVie on 1800 574 786.
A "Forgot Password" link is available on the AbbVie ID Sign In page.
Click on the link to initiate the process to set a new password.
Your username is the email address you used when you registered for AbbVie ID. Alternatively, you may have used a Google Account or LinkedIn account to register, in which case click on the "Sign in" with Google or LinkedIn button
You can check your AHPRA registration details at:
Please note AbbVie ID registration is intended for Australian Healthcare Professionals only.
Please check your SPAM or junk folder for an email with the subject line "Welcome to AbbVie ID". If you cannot find the email, use the "Forgot Password" link which is on the AbbVie ID Sign In page.
View AbbVie's Privacy Policy Notice to learn more about how AbbVie may use your personal data.
The link has expired, and you need to request a new link. Use the "Forgot Password" link which is on the AbbVIe ID Sign Page and an email will be sent with a new Set your Password link.
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AU-ABBV-220097. January 2025.