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BOTOX® is indicated for the management of bladder dysfunctions in adult patients who are not adequately managed with anticholinergics: overactive bladder with symptoms of urinary incontinence, urgency and frequency; neurogenic detrusor overactivity with urinary incontinence due to subcervical spinal cord injury (traumatic or non-traumatic), or multiple sclerosis.5



BOTOX® is indicated for the management of bladder dysfunctions in adult patients who are not adequately managed with anticholinergics: overactive bladder with symptoms of urinary incontinence, urgency and frequency; neurogenic detrusor overactivity with urinary incontinence due to subcervical spinal cord injury (traumatic or non-traumatic), or multiple sclerosis.5

Key steps to establishing or expanding your BOTOX® urology service

Key steps to establishing or expanding your BOTOX® urology service

Whether establishing a new BOTOX® urology service or enhancing your existing service, the first key step is to agree your vision.

Whether establishing a new BOTOX® urology service or enhancing your existing service, the first key step is to agree your vision.

Your vision will describe how the service can improve the quality of care and outcomes for patients with overactive bladder (OAB) or neurogenic detrusor overactivity (NDO). It may also describe what you intend your service to look like in 3–5 years’ time and how your service will help to address any gaps or challenges in the local health environment.

Engagement with key stakeholders involved in the care of patients with OAB or NDO will be essential to shape the vision and planning of your service.

Incorporate intermediate steps towards your goal

The role of the Nurse Cystoscopist

The GIRFT national report on urology acknowledges the key role of nurses in urological services and the importance of nurse development.6

The role of the Nurse Cystoscopist

The GIRFT national report on urology acknowledges the key role of nurses in urological services and the importance of nurse development.6

Advantages of the nurse playing a key role, include:
Nurse specialists are motivated and keen to take on the new role
It can allow consultant time to be dedicated to emergency care
Nurse-led outpatient clinics can result in improved waiting times for patients, improved quality of life and better patient satisfaction

For further information and examples of good clinical practice in line with GIRFT guidance, please request support via the Contact Us page.

Other considerations in order to achieve your vision for your BOTOX® urology service:

 Operational considerations such as:

The procedure itself


Staff and training

Available facilities

Patient scheduling

 Creating a patient-centric service: through the provision of pre- and post-procedure patient education and follow-up

 Securing funding: Gaining financial support for your service is a critical part of the planning process. It is important to:

develop a business case

estimate the service income

identify and engage with the right stakeholders

GIRFT: Getting It Right First Time; NDO: neurogenic detrusor overactivity; OAB: overactive bladder.



  1. Allergan. Data on file. INT/0423/2016
  2. Aurora S K, Winner P et al. Onabotulinum toxin A for treatment of chronic migraine: pooled analyses of the 56-week PREEMPT clinical program. Headache. 2011;51(9):1358-1373
  3. Blumenfeld A M, Stark R J et al. Long-term study of the efficacy and safety of Onabotulinum toxin A for the prevention of chronic migraine: COMPEL study. J Headache Pain 2018;19(1):13
  4. AbbVie Data on file. Approval Dates for BOTOX® in UK. UK-BTX-230044. April 2023
  5. BOTOX® Summary of Product Characteristics. Available from: Accessed April 2024 
  6. Getting It Right First Time. Urology GIRFT Programme National Specialty Report. Available at: Accessed April 2024 



  1. Allergan. Data on file. INT/0423/2016
  2. Aurora S K, Winner P et al. Onabotulinum toxin A for treatment of chronic migraine: pooled analyses of the 56-week PREEMPT clinical program. Headache. 2011;51(9):1358-1373
  3. Blumenfeld A M, Stark R J et al. Long-term study of the efficacy and safety of Onabotulinum toxin A for the prevention of chronic migraine: COMPEL study. J Headache Pain 2018;19(1):13
  4. AbbVie Data on file. Approval Dates for BOTOX® in UK. UK-BTX-230044. April 2023
  5. BOTOX® Summary of Product Characteristics. Available from: /product/859/smpc. Accessed April 2024 
  6. Getting It Right First Time. Urology GIRFT Programme National Specialty Report. Available at: Accessed April 2024 

Please refer to the BOTOX® Summary of Product Characteristics for further information on adverse events, contraindications and special warnings and precautions for use.


Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at

Adverse events should also be reported to AbbVie on 


Date of preparation: April 2024. UK-BUO-240009.