This website is for UK Healthcare Professionals only

This promotional material is intended for UK Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) experienced in the diagnosis and management of Parkinson’s disease only. Adverse event reporting can be found below

DUODOPA (levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel) is indicated for the treatment of advanced levodopa-responsive Parkinson’s disease with severe motor fluctuations and hyperkinesia or dyskinesia when available combinations of Parkinson medicinal products have not given satisfactory results.1

Levodopa may activate malignant melanoma, so DUODOPA should not be used in patients with suspicious undiagnosed skin lesions or a history of melanoma.1

Some patients may not be suitable for DUODOPA. You are strongly advised to read the Prescribing Information (PI) and Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC), accessible via the links above, to evaluate patient suitability.

What patients will experience

Introducing the Patient Support Programme (PSP)

The PSP is a package deal developed and funded by AbbVie. Patients receiving DUODOPA have access to a patient support service, provided free of charge to the NHS.

Overview of the patient initiation procedure

DNS=DUODOPA Nurse Specialist; NJ=nasojejunal; PEG-J=percutaneous endoscopic gastro-jejunostomy.

Overview of the PEG-J procedure

Initiating DUODOPA therapy with the PEG-J procedure can be divided into five key stages

Some patients may not be suitable for DUODOPA. You are strongly advised to read the Prescribing Information (PI) and Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC), accessible via the links above, to evaluate patient suitability.

1. Preparation

  • Oral hygiene2
  • Antibiotic prophylaxis as per hospital protocol2
  • Patient is placed in a supine position2

2. Placement of the PEG tube

  • The stomach is punctured at the appropriate site2
  • Puncture cannula inserted into the stomach under endoscopic control2
  • PEG tube attached to a guide thread and pulled out through abdominal wall until rentention plate is in direct contact with the inner gastric wall and the PEG is secured2

3. Attachment of the Y-connector

  • Y-connector is attached to the PEG tube3

    4. Positioning of the jejunal tube

    • The jejunal tube is advanced through the Y-connector and into the correct position3

    5. Fixing of jejunal tube to PEG tube

    • Tube clamp secures jejunal tube in position within the PEG tube during fixing procedure3
    • Jejunal tube trimmed appropriately and Click Adaptor positioned and set3

    DUODOPA treatment can commence as appropriate.

    Please note that hereafter the CADD-Legacy 1400 pump will be referred to as the DUODOPA pump.

    Dosing and administration

    Some patients may not be suitable for DUODOPA. You are strongly advised to read the Prescribing Information (PI) and Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC), accessible via the links above, to evaluate patient suitability.

    DUODOPA dosing can be tailored to the patient's individual requirements.1 The DUODOPA pump can also be set to allow the administration of extra bolus doses by the patient.1

    Continuous individualised dosing1

    Daily administration of DUODOPA is composed of three individually adjusted doses: the morning bolus dose, the continuous maintenance dose, and extra bolus doses.1

    These are usually administered over approximately 16 hours (during the patient's awake period) or 24 hours if medically justified.1

    Flexible dosing1

    DUODOPA is capable of administering 2000 mg of levodopa from a single 100 ml cassette.1

    DUODOPA has the flexibility to administer daily levodopa doses of up to 4000 mg from two 100 ml cassettes (the maximum recommended daily dose).1

    Please refer to the Summary of Product Characteristics for full dosing information.

    DUODOPA pump video

    Click on the link below to view the DUODOPA pump video which provides an introduction to the features of the CADD-Legacy 1400 pump used to administer DUODOPA.


    1. DUODOPA (levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel) Summary of Product Characteristics. Available at: Accessed December 2023.
    2. AbbVie PEG Kit 15 FR / 20 FR. Instructions for use.
    3. AbbVie J: Intestinal tube 9 FR for PEG 15 and 20 FR. Instructions for use.


    1. DUODOPA (levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel) Summary of Product Characteristics. Available at: Accessed December 2023.
    2. AbbVie PEG Kit 15 FR / 20 FR. Instructions for use.
    3. AbbVie J: Intestinal tube 9 FR for PEG 15 and 20 FR. Instructions for use.

    Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at or via the MHRA Yellow Card app, available in the Google Play or Apple App Stores.

    Adverse events should also be reported to AbbVie on


    UK-DUOD-230106. Date of preparation: December 2023.