OZURDEX® injection support resources:
DMO, diabetic macular oedema; RVO, retinal vein occlusion.
1. OZURDEX®. Summary of Product Characteristics; 2. Garcia-Layana A, et al. Ophthalmologica. 2018;240:61–72.; 3. Wang K, et al. Biol Pharm Bull. 2008;31:1541–6; 4. Rezar-Dreindl S, et al. Acta Ophthalmol. 2017;95:e119–27; 5. Edelman JL, et al. Exp Eye Res. 2005;80:249–58; 6. Tamura H, et al. Invest Ophthalmolo Vis Sci. 2005;46(4):1440–4; 7. Nehme A and Edelman J. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2008;49:2030–8.
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Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at https://yellowcard.mhra.gov.uk/ or via the MHRA Yellow Card app, available in the Google Play or Apple App Stores.
Adverse events should also be reported to AbbVie on GBPV@abbvie.com
Date of preparation: January 2025 | UK-OZU-250040