
Disease Management

Chronic Migraine Management


Migraine can be classified as episodic or chronic depending on the frequency of attacks

ICHD-3 Diagnostic Criteria for Migraine1

ICHD-3, International Classification of Headache Disorders.


Migraine is a debilitating, complex, and chronic disease characterized by frequent attacks with neurological and autonomic symptoms2

aOccurring in one-third of patients; bMost common; cLess common.

Challenges associated with diagnosing chronic migraine


Migraine Management

Migraine management should involve both acute and preventive treatment

Acute/Abortive Treatment6,7


  • Rapid and consistent freedom from pain and associated symptoms without recurrence6,7
  • Restored ability to function6,7
  • Minimal need for repeat dosing or rescue medications6,7
  • Optimal self-care and reduced subsequent use of resources (e.g., emergency room visits, diagnostic imaging, clinician, and ambulatory infusion center visits)6
  • Minimal or no adverse events6
  • Cost consideration6





Preventive Treatment6


  • Reduce attack frequency, severity, duration, and disability
  • Improve responsiveness to and avoid escalation in use of acute treatment
  • Improve function and reduce disability
  • Reduce reliance on poorly tolerated, ineffective, or unwanted acute treatments
  • Reduce costs associated with migraine treatment
  • Enable patients to manage their own disease
  • Improve health-related quality of life
  • Reduce headache-related distress and psychological symptoms


Migraine Medicine

Traditional oral preventive treatments8


aSodium valproate is absolutely contraindicated in women of childbearing potential.

MAOI, monoamine oxidase inhibitors; SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.


Preventive treatments

Danish Headache Society Consensus Statement, Endorsed by EHF and EAN8

American Headache Society Consensus Statement6

*Traditional treatment; Limited to chronic migraine only; aShort-term prevention of menstrual-related migraine; evaluated and rejected by the FDA for this indication; bPrevention of chronic migraine; cOne Class IV trial based on AAN evidence classification.
AAN, American Academy of Neurology; CGRP, calcitonin gene-receptor peptide; EAN, European Academy of Neurology; EHF, European Headache Federation; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; mAb, monoclonal antibody; NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; OnabotulinumtoxinA, botulinum toxin type A.


Episodic migraine

When an individual with migraine has <15 headache days per month

Chronic migraine

≥15 days per month for >3 months, on which, ≥8 days per month meet criteria for migraine

Next-Generation Gepants10-12



1. Headache Classification Committee of the International Headache Society (IHS). Cephalalgia 2018;38:1–211.
2. Ferrari MD, et al. Nat Rev Dis Primers. 2022;8(1):2.
3. Becker WJ, et al. Headache. 2017;57(9):1471–1481.
4. Accessed January 22, 2021.
5. Serrano D, et al. J Headache Pain. 2017;18:101.
6. Ailani J, et al. Headache. 2021;61(7):1021-1039.
7. Tzankova V, et al. CMAJ. 2023;195(4):E153-E158.
8. Eigenbrodt AK, et al. Nat Rev Neurol. 2021;17(8):501-514.
9. Bendtsen L, et al. J Headache Pain. 2018;19(1):91.
10. QULIPTA [package insert]. Dublin, Ireland: AbbVie. October 2021.
11. UBRELVY [package insert]. Madison, NJ: Allergan USA, Inc. March 2021.
12. NURTEC [package insert]. New Haven, CT: Biohaven. April 2022.